Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why I Write

I have this crazy orange notebook that I sometimes refer to while I'm writing.  On the inside front cover is a list called: Why I Write.  I started this list because I needed a reminder of why I'm choosing to torture myself on a daily basis.
It looks something like: "it's fun, it's cathartic, spontaneous, an adventure, surprising, to tell a story, to hopefully, someday, make money at it, to entertain, to share, to make sense and connections out of life."
And though I love writing so much that I'd do it whether I ever get published or not, I often fantasize that I am a real, grown-up writer.  Sometimes this looks like me traveling the world, doing book tours and being best friends with Ellen DeGeneres.  Other times my life looks pretty much the same, only I have money.
The trouble with people like me is, when you forget why you are doing something and focus on legitimizing it by expecting fame and fortune, you pack pressure on yourself that makes the creative process almost painful.  Strike that, very painful.
I've heard writing a book compared to giving birth (in that you're bringing something new into the world).  That's kind of a gross analogy, but I can see how it applies.  And even when the painful birthing process is over, you still have to feed it, change poopy diapers, and it definitely screws up your sleeping patterns.  But even though it might get on your nerves sometimes, you still love it.  Most of the time.
One more reason I'm writing- I'm pretty sure it makes you a superhero.

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